
Arise and Know

Known as the most decorated American combat veteran alive at 90 years old, Van Barfoot has been ordered to take down his American flag. Barfoot fought in WWII and Vietnam, he was wounded in combat 3 times and has been awarded more than 20 medals, including the Medal of Honor, The Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, The Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. At 90 years old Barfoot finds himself fighting yet another battle against his homeowner's association who does not appreciate his flagpole but have made a statement saying it's not about the flag, but the flagpole. Barfoot's argument against the requested way of presenting the flag (tilted on the small pole from the house) is "First of all, it's not dignified, and it shows you got it in the half mast position... you can walk around here and I'll bet you the American flag is hanging out in the rain, nobody ever checks it."
Don't we owe him this? He is a man of honor, courage, and respect. He knows better than anyone what that flag represents and has witnessed his own comrades die in the name of Freedom represented by our American flag. The man is 90 years old people, he has been shot in the head and fought in TWO WARS so that we are able to enjoy our freedoms often taken for granted. The few whiners and complainers of our country really give us a bad rap. They need to "cowboy up" and be thankful for what they have, instead of finding reasons to entertain their boring monotonous lives. Let this brave man have his flagpole in the last years of his life. I don't think it's too much to ask. Click on this post to know more about this story...